Hunting, Recreational, Fishing, Investment Land For Sale in Mississippi, Delta, Ranch, Farm, Timber Land for Sale In Mississippi
Thacker Mountain Lodge Land and Property Division offers crayfish acreage, crayfish farms, Mississippi crayfish farms, Delta crayfish farms, Mississippi crayfish farms for sale and Mississippi Delta crayfish farms for sale. Thacker Mountain Lodge also offers, for sale Premium Mississippi, Delta, and Mid-South, land, ranches, farms, investment, recreational, timberland, and commercial property located in the river delta. This area is referred to as the Mississippi River Crayfish Delta area. The name "crayfish" comes from the Old French word escrevisse (Modern French écrevisse) from Old Frankish *krebitja (cf. crab), from the same root as crawl. The word has been modified to "crayfish" by association with "fish" (folk etymology). The largely American variant "crawfish" is similarly derived.
Crayfish Bait
Crayfish are commonly sold and used as bait, either live or with only the tail meat, and are good at attracting channel catfish, largemouth bass, pike and muskie. However, live crayfish may sometimes have their claws removed in order to prevent their keeping fish from biting the hook. Crayfish also easily fall off of the hook, so casting should be slow.
Crayfish as a Pet
Crayfish are kept as pets in freshwater aquariums. They prefer foods like shrimp pellets or various vegetables but will also eat tropical fish food, regular fish food, algae wafers, and even small fish that can be captured by their claws, such as goldfish or minnows. Their disposition towards eating almost anything will also cause them to consume most aquarium plants in a fish tank; however, crayfish are fairly shy and may attempt to hide under leaves or rocks. When keeping a crayfish as a pet, one must provide a hiding space. At night, some fish become less energetic and settle to the bottom. The crayfish might see this as a chance for an easy meal, or a threat, and injure or kill the fish with its claws.
Thacker Mountain Lodge
Thacker Mountain Lodge Timber and land, Property division offers hunting and fishing property for sale. If your investment property group wants to buy mid-south hunting property, Mississippi hunting land for sale, Mississippi homes, Mississippi farms, Mississippi ranches and hunting property, Mississippi hunting property, mid-sized hunting property, or Mississippi recreational hunting property, Thacker Mountain Lodge Timber and land Property Division can help.
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Crayfish Farms for Sale, Mississippi Crayfish Farms, Mississippi Delta Crayfish Farms, Crayfish Farms
Crayfish, crawfish, or crawdads — members of the superfamilies Astacoidea and Parastacoidea — are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they are related. They breathe through feather-like gills and are found in bodies of water that do not freeze to the bottom; they are also mostly found in brooks and streams where there is fresh water running, and which have shelter against predators. Most crayfish cannot tolerate polluted water, although some species such as the invasive Procambarus clarkii are more hardy. Crayfish feed on living and dead animals and plants.

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Crayfish Classification
There are three families of crayfish, two in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere. The southern-hemisphere (Gondwana-distributed) family Parastacidae lives in South America, Madagascar and Australasia, and is distinguished by the lack of the first pair of pleopods Of the other two families, members of the Astacidae live in western Eurasia and western North America and members of the family Cambaridae live in eastern Asia and eastern North America.
The greatest diversity of crayfish species is found in south-eastern North America, with over 330 species in nine genera, all in the family Cambaridae. A further genus of astacid crayfish is found in the Pacific Northwest and the headwaters of some rivers east of the Continental Divide. Many crayfish are also found in lowland areas where the water is abundant in calcium and oxygen rises from underground springs.
Australasia is another centre of crayfish diversity, with over 100 species in a dozen genera. Many of the better-known Australian crayfish are of the genus Cherax, and include the marron (Cherax tenuimanus), red-claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus), yabby (Cherax destructor) and western yabby (Cherax preissii). The world's largest crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi, which can achieve a mass in excess of 3 kilograms, is found in the rivers of northern Tasmania.
Madagascar has a single (endemic) crayfish species, Astacopsis madagascarensis.
Europe is home to seven species of crayfish in the genera Astacus and Austropotamobius.
Cambaroides is native to Japan and eastern mainland Asia. Thacker Mountain Lodge Land and Property Division offers crayfish acreage, crayfish farms, Mississippi crayfish farms, Delta crayfish farms, Mississippi crayfish farms for sale and Mississippi Delta crayfish farms for sale.


crayfish Seeds
Crayfish are eaten in Europe, China, Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States and the Caribbean. 98% of the crayfish harvested in the United States come from Louisiana, where the standard culinary terms are crawfish or écrevisses. Louisiana produces 90 percent of the crawfish in the world and consumes 70 percent locally. 70-80% of crawfish produced in Louisiana are red swamp crawfish with the remaining 20-30% being white river crawfish.
In France, dishes with a base or garnish of crayfish (écrevisse) are frequently given the suffix à la Nantua.
Louisiana crawfish are usually boiled live in a large pot with heavy seasoning (salt, cayenne pepper, lemon, garlic, bay leaves, etc.) and other items such as potatoes, corn on the cob, onions, garlic, and sausage. There are many differing methods used to season a crawfish boil and an equal number of opinions on which one is correct. They are generally served at a gathering known as a crawfish boil. Other popular dishes in the Cajun and Creole cuisines of Louisiana include crawfish étouffée, crawfish pie, crawfish dressing, crawfish bread, and crawfish beignets. Crayfish are also an ingredient in Chicken Marengo.
A common myth is that a crawfish with a straight tail died before it was boiled and is not safe to eat. In reality, crawfish that died before boiling can have curled tails as well as straight, as can those that were alive, and may very well be fine to eat. Boiled crawfish which died before boiling are safe to eat if they were kept chilled before boiling and were not dead for a long time. (This does not mean that a sack of crawfish that are all dead should be boiled.) A much better test than the straight tail as to the edibility of any crawfish is the tail meat itself; if it is mushy, it is usually an indication that it should be avoided.
In New Orleans, Louisiana, crayfish are very popular as food, and are served as part of an étouffé (a Cajun stew served over rice).
Crayfish is a popular dish in Scandinavia, and is by tradition primarily consumed during the fishing season in August. The boil is typically flavored with salt, sugar, ale, and large quantities of the flowers of the dill plant. While most Americans eat them warm, the Swedish and Finnish normally eat them cold. The catch of domestic freshwater crayfish, Astacus astacus, and even of a transplanted American species, Pacifastacus leniusculus, is very limited and to satisfy demand the majority of what is consumed has to be imported. Sales depended on imports from Turkey for several decades, but after a decline in supply, China and the United States are today the biggest sources of import.
The Mexican crayfish is named locally as acocil and was a very important nutrition source of the ancient Mexican Aztec culture; now this kind of crayfish is consumed (mainly boiled) and prepared with typically Mexican sauces or condiments in central and southern Mexico.
The culinary popularity of crayfish swept across Mainland China in the late 1990s. Crayfish is generally served with Mala flavour (a combined flavour of Sichuan pepper and hot chili) or otherwise plainly steamed whole, to be eaten with a preferred sauce. In Beijing, the Ma La flavoured crayfish is shortened to "Ma Xiao" and is often enjoyed with beer in a hot mid-summer evening.
Like other edible crustaceans, only a small portion of the body of a crayfish is edible. In most prepared dishes, such as soups, bisques and étouffées, only the tail portion is served. At crawfish boils or other meals where the entire body of the crayfish is presented, however, other portions may be eaten. Claws of larger boiled specimens are often pulled apart to access the meat inside. Another favourite is to suck the head of the crayfish, as seasoning and flavour can collect in the fat of the boiled interior. A popular double entendre laden phrase heard around crawfish season in Louisiana derives from this practice: "Suck the head, pinch the tail". Thacker Mountain Lodge Land and Property Division offers crayfish acreage, crayfish farms, Mississippi crayfish farms, Delta crayfish farms, Mississippi crayfish farms for sale and Mississippi Delta crayfish farms for sale.
